Search Results
Embracing Open Ecosystem - Dr. Chih-Lin I, China Mobile & O-RAN Alliance
EDI CON China Keynote - Open RAN/Whitebox Myths by Dr. I, China Mobile
Live Keynote 2 (Part 1): Dr. Chih-Lin I, China Mobile (Presentation in Mandarin)
Disaggregating & SDN'izing the RAN Panel - China Mobile, Deutsche Telekom, ONF and Radisys
How will Open Source play a role in the evolving 5G ecosystem?
The O-RAN SC RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller)
Ecosystem enablement with Intel Networks Builders
ONF Connect 18: Software Defined Slicing Packet Network (SPN) Enable 5G Transport
100 MEC Deployment Trials Analysis in China Mobile - Hanyu Ding, China Mobile
Edgecore Disaggregated Cell Site Gateway Solution
ASTRI - 5G Technologies
The Road to Open RAN